Registration for Teaching Units*

At the beginning of each semester, students must register for the teaching units (courses and seminars) that they want to take during that semester. Registration (and cancellation of registration) facilitates the organization of the teaching units and the administrative aspects related to the exams for the teaching units. It is important to note that only those students who are registered for a teaching unit can later register for the exam for that unit.

JMCS students are students who are matriculated in the Joint Master program in Computer Science of the universities of Bern, Neuchâtel and Fribourg.

Hosted JMCS students are all students other than JMCS students who follow a teaching unit of the Joint Master in Computer Science, e.g.:

  • bachelor students in Computer Science (major, minor, optional studies)
  • master students in Mathematics or Information Management

Registration deadlines

Deadlines for the registration for teaching units can be found on the page Organization.

Registration procedure

To register for a teaching unit, follow these steps:

  • Go to Academia
  • Login into Academia through SWITCHaai with your account and password of your SWITCH edu-ID
  • Click on the tab “Registrations” on the top
  • Choose the right semester on the upper left hand side
  • Tick your course/seminar on the upper right hand side
  • Click on the button “Save”

Cancelling a registration

Students who have registered for a teaching unit but later change their mind about attending it, are requested to cancel their registration. Cancelling a registration is the same procedure as for the registration, except the second to last step: untick your course/seminar.


Students can repeat the entire unit, including the continuous evaluation (when applicable) only if they did not yet undergo any exam of this teaching unit.

Hosted JMCS Students

All hosted JMCS students are not automatically known by the JMCS administration system. Therefore, they are required to complete a Request for Academia Access form at the beginning of every semester until

  • Autumn semester: September 30th
  • Spring semester: February 28th

The student will be informed when he/she is able to login into Academia. The rest of the procedure is identical as for JMCS students mentioned above, except of clicking on the tab “Registrations”, click on the link “Inscriptions aux cours”.


* This procedure concerns all teaching units of the Joint Master in Computer Science except the following ones.

  • Autumn semester:
  • Spring semester:
    • 53086 Advanced Topics in Decision Support (FSES&M)
    • 53119 Choice-based Optimization and its Application to Revenue Management (FSES&M)

FSES&M: Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg

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