Seminar Urban Computing

The idea of this seminar is to give students insights into actual public service challenges. Thereby, our focus is on citizen-centered design of new services, technologies, and business models. At the kick-off session, various topics from and for Swiss network industries (as Post, SBB and Swisscom, etc.) will be introduced. For each topic, a project is supposed to be developed by student groups (preferably of two) to get a deeper knowledge in the respective topic. In the final presentation, the compiled data, information and knowledge must be shared with the fellow students.


Code 53594
Type Seminar
Site Fribourg
Track(s) T5 – Information Systems and Decision Support
T6 – Data Science
Semester A2024


Learning Outcomes

This seminar offers students the possibility to work on interesting topics in the area of citizen-centered services-to-be; it is open for all students in the BeNeFri cooperation. Thereby, the students will be required to get a deep understanding of the topic of their choice, present project proposals at the mid-term (i.e., 20% of the grade) and final presentations (i.e., 30% of the grade) and write a final paper (i.e., 50% of the grade). The students will be split into groups of two students each group; however, individual projects are also possible. Each group (or likewise single student) will receive a clear assignment, which is feasible within the semester time.

Lecturer(s) Edy Portmann
Language english
Course Page

The course page in ILIAS can be found at

Schedules and Rooms

Period On Appointment
Location UniFR, PER21


Evaluation type continuous evaluation

Additional information


First Lecture
The first lecture will take place on Thursday, 19.09.2024 at 13:30 in UniFR, PER21, room F205.

– Kick-Off: September 19, 13:30 – 15:30, PER21 F205
– Midterm presentations: Thursday, 10th of August 2024 , 13:30 – 15:30 (zoom:
– Final presentations: Thursday, 19st of December 2024, 13:30 – 17:00, PER21 F205
– Report submission: Sunday, 31st of December 2024, midnight through Ilias