Seminar Life Engineering

The idea of this laboratory for an integral fuzzy engineering, or short life engineering, is to introduce the students into a human-centred reflection on ethics and sustainability of digitalisation. In this life laboratory, we apply an ethics by design mindset as a humanistic way to design and engineer fair systems that imperatively involve ethical values and sustainable principles, requirements as well as procedures into design. During the semesters, together we seek to understand computational ethics and sustainability approaches, by reading and discussing the latest books on digital ethics and sustainability, in the form of a colloquium, a discussion-intensive seminar on life. In the end, the students write a joint paper on their experiences.


Code 53605
Type Seminar
Site Fribourg
Track(s) T5 – Information Systems and Decision Support
T6 – Data Science
Semester S2025


Learning Outcomes

The colloquium offers students the possibility to debate the constantly growing role of ethics and sustainability of digitalisation in a laboratory setting. At the kick-off, we start this seminar on life engineering in a small discussion group. The general conditions as the dates, the books to be discussed, and the discussion lead for a respective book will then be settled. For admission to the book group, interested students should apply in advance by sending a one-page application to the course instructor, arguing why they should be included in this colloquium. Please apply latest by end of February! The aim is that, with in-depth discussions, the participating students acquire up-to-date knowledge of ethical and sustainable practices.

Lecturer(s) Edy Portmann
Language english
Course Page

The course page in ILIAS can be found at

Schedules and Rooms

Period On Appointment
Location UniFR, PER21


Evaluation type continuous evaluation

Additional information


First Lecture
The first lecture will take place on Thursday, 06.03.2025 at 14:15 in UniFR, PER21, room A303.