Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making Under Uncertainty

The course will give a thorough introduction to reinforcement learning. The first 8 weeks will be devoted to the core theory and algorithms of reinforcement learning. The final 6 weeks will be focused on project work, during which more advanced topics will be inroduced.

The first 6 weeks will require the students to complete 3 assignments. The remainder of the term, the students will have to prepare a project, for which they will need to submit a report.


  1. Beliefs and Decisions
    Bayes Decision and Game Theory
  2. Bayesian Analysis
    Estimation Theory and Concentration Inequalities
  3. Bandit problems
    MDPs and belief states
  4. MDP Theory: Value Iteration
    Policy Iteration
  5. Temporal Differences
    Modified Policy Iteration
  6. Sarsa / Q-Learning
    Stochastic Approximation / Actor-Critic
  7. Function Approximation, Gradient Methods
    Large-Scale RL
  8. Bayesian RL
  9. UCB, Regret bounds
    UCRL, Regret bounds
  10. Monte Carlo Planning: UCT/MCTS/AlphaZero
  11. Advanced Bayesian models
  12. Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  13. Multiagent extensions: Bayesian Games
  14. Group work


Code 42111
Type Course
Site Neuchâtel
Track(s) T4 – Theory and Logic
T6 – Data Science
Semester S2025


Learning Outcomes
  • Formulate Decision Problems
  • Develop Algorithms
  • Apply Algorithms
  • Compute Probabilities and expectations
  • Explain Algorithms and Theory
  • Develop Project
  • Integrate Theory and Practice
Lecturer(s) Christos Dimitrakakis
Language english
Course Page

The course page in ILIAS can be found at

Schedules and Rooms

Period Weekly
Schedule Tuesday, 08:45 - 12:00
Location UniNE, Unimail
Room B217

Additional information


First Lecture
The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, 18.02.2025 at 08:45 in UniNE, Unimail, room B217.

The course is evaluated with a project report (60%) and an exam (40%).